The Mindspring Mission

Mission Statement

We believe every child has inherent and developable gifts to share with their families, their communities, and the world.  We believe every family has the inalienable right to the education of their choice, and we aim to offer a quality, untainted curriculum to support families in achieving their goals.  We believe that together, by exercising our freedom of choice and parental rights to choose what is best for our families, we can foment a course change towards nurturing better educated children, enhanced parental control of information, and greater freedom for all.  We believe Mindspring Home Academy is part of the educational revolution we see happening all around us, as families reject failed models and exercise their educational freedom.

Program Offerings

Core Values

Student-Centered Learning
Learning should be student-centered, relevant to real world goals and aspirations, and free of ideological indoctrination and group-think.  Students need to learn how to think, not what to think.
Standards-Based Curriculum
Curriculum should be accessible and fun, but also robust in order to facilitate future educational choices in high school and beyond.  Rigor is essential to maximizing the benefits of educational freedom. 
Parental Rights
Parents are not only their children's biggest cheerleaders, they are their best guides and protectors.  Parental rights are the foundation of a free society.

Educational Freedom
Families have the inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  This includes the freedom to choose how and where to educate their children.  As children are the next generation of political, business, and family leaders, educational freedom is the foundation of a prosperous future for all of us.

Program Offerings

About Mindspring

Mindspring Home Academy supports dedicated homeschooling families, providing a foundational CORE curriculum for homeschool students, and helping homeschooling parents prepare their kids for the rigors of high school and beyond.